Sunday 26 January 2014

My 5 Habits that Pay Off Well:

Hello Loves,

Today, we are going to bring to mind once again the significance of habits. According to Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”  This blog is to highlight five of my organizing related habits that pay me off really well. 

Tell me a fact, a name, an address, some details, an item on your shopping list or even your favorite color; chances are I’ll forget it even before your turn back. I tend to forget things very quickly to an extent that I, while talking, forget name of things I want to refer to. If you live in Pakistan and watch drama serial “bulbulay” then chances are you know Momo is writing this.
Instead of tormenting myself with things I can’t do anything about, I prefer to write things in a format which is organized and easier to use every day (like a practical to-do list, functional address book, etc. Result? I don’t panic and my information is never lost, I don’t use my energy to recall things, nor have to re-think ideas. Guess what? That’s exact why I love labeling.
My sisters say, “Organizing a place is overwhelming.” It might be if the entirety of the project is in itself so scary. But for me, organizing a place and comparing before and after mean so much fun that I have hardly found it consuming. If this passion for organizing is kept aside, my habit of biting only enough at one time that I can chew well helps in not getting bogged down.

For example, refer to last week’s mini project. My younger sister loves collecting makeup. But she never had courage to organize it all as according to her, “I could have never put that back on my own.” She asked me if I could help her and I agreed, of course :o). 

 Instead of tackling everything within one day, I set realistic goal of cleaning cabinet, purging makeup, sorting like items together on one day and organizing them the next day. I let her do the sorting which she did happily. 
Here’s what it looks like now. She liked it a lot. Rest of the items are stored in the drawer below (I forgot to take a picture of it :o( ). 
I believe, eleventh hour will be busier than this moment. So, why not start early. It gives me room to plan things in advance that often results in savings, better management of an event, creative ideas, and ample time to deal with Murphy’s Law. As this weekend is the last one before the wedding function, I tried to finish as much as possible. Wrapping wedding gifts is top of the list. Starting early gave me chance to design customized labels for gift wrapping. 
Mornings for me are the proof that you can have another chance to make things right. If I get up with untidy surroundings, I feel depress as if I am the least successful human being on earth ( This is the innocent most statement I say to myself, rest should be and have been censored ). So, in order to have a rocking start and feel energetic throughout the day I do something that sets the momentum. Many people feel making bed is enough but I prefer to set timer for 15-20 minutes and pick up as many things as I possibly can. It includes but not limited to making bed, putting dirty clothes in laundry basket, wiping countertops, putting makeup items back where they belong.  

After these 20 minutes, I feel productive and positive energy doesn’t let me procrastinate on items written on my check list. 

My mornings are busy just like any other working girl. I can’t afford to panic over wrinkled clothes, lost accessories, dusty shoes, and unorganized handbag. I am more of a night girl and love to have everything ready for the next morning the night before. As far as clothes are concerned, I iron and hang them all in closet over the weekend. It helps so much.


I love, love, love, love, love black dinner set. I saw one at Metro Store and I absolutely adored it. But we were told that it gets scratches after 2-3 uses. I was broken hearted. 

 We opted for white instead. Does it look good? 

Hope you liked this post. What are your 5 habits that serve you well? I would love to hear from you. Till then,

1 comment:

  1. one of my habit is to daily read something which makes me feel like your posts! :)


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